Quarantine Birthday Ideas

Waking up to a floor full on balloons on your birthday

Waking up to a floor full of balloons on your birthday

So your child has a birthday coming up and everyone is in lock down? Have no fear, Child’s Play is here! Try these ideas for whipping up some fun while stuck at home.

Virtual Dance Charades Dance Charades is great fun, as you try to get your friends to guess your dance. It’s practically begging for Google hangouts. Use your own CD or Spotify, though, because the CD that comes with the game is the pits.

Birthday Morning Surprise – Every year, we create something for our kids to wake up to on their birthday. Fill the room with balloons; cover the door with streamers; or hang a sign listing all the things you love about them or how many minutes, weeks, months and years they’ve been alive. Pinterest is full of good ideas.

Drive-up Movie – If you have a space that works, project a movie onto the side of a building, a garage door or even a taut sheet. Friends can watch together from the safety of their car or a suitable, safe distance. BYO popcorn.

Family Water Fight – Get those super soakers out and chase each other around! Parents joining in the fun makes it all the more special. 

Minute to Win It – Play virtually with friends. Make sure everyone has the supplies they need to try to finish different challenges in a minute, like bouncing pencils into glasses or shaking ping pong balls out of a tissue box tied to your butt. You’ll find lots of ideas for supplies you’ll have at home on Pinterest.

Scavenger Hunt – Plan a scavenger hunt around the neighborhood, with one clue leading to the next. Challenge older kids with ciphers and riddles, while younger kids get simpler clues. Create a schedule so that friends can all participate, one family at a time. No one has to touch a thing, just read clues. Have a prize for the person who finds the most clues in the least amount of time (to be dropped on the porch, of course, or delivered by Child’s Play).

Presents Delivered – Don’t forget the presents! Child’s Play delivers to some areas (check our website for more info) or you can pick up curbside. We can even add party hats, horns, balloons, a card and candles!

Share your ideas for making your quarantine birthday the best one yet!



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